News 2018
Thank you from the Chair
AMAZON BREAST CANCER SUPPORT GROUP proud winners of the 2017 Sherwood Forest Hospital Trust Staff Excellence Award "VOLUNTEER OF THE YEAR"
WOW! What a year 2017 has been for the Amazons, culminating in receiving the SFHT Staff Excellence Award in the Volunteer Section. It was a memorable event and after much nail-biting suspense we were euphoric to be called onto the stage to collect the award. It will be prominently displayed, for all to see, in a wall-cabinet in “The Amazon Lounge” in The Breast Unit’s Clinic 14. The Charity’s Committee feel proud that the 23 years of working for the benefit of local breast cancer patients at King’s Mill has been acknowledged in this way. Many thanks to those involved in the Awards organisation and to all the people in the community who have supported our Charity in so many ways over the years and share in winning this award.
The Amazons have continued to interact with other cancer-related groups and agencies this year and are keeping current with ongoing issues. I was proud to be invited to speak at the Breast Unit’s Multi Disciplinary Team Annual General Meeting “from the patient and Support Group’s point of view” - quite scary when everyone else in the lecture theatre was a professional with far more knowledge and expertise than me! The meeting was very informative and presented an over-all view of the inter-connecting specialties needed to provide the excellent breast care services at King’s Mill.
Consultant Breast Surgeon Ali Jahan at the meeting
I would like to welcome Specialist Breast Care Nurse Carolyn Bennett on to the Clinic 14 team and our committee and also to pay tribute to Liz Hunter, co-founder of the Amazons , who has recently passed away and will be sadly missed - a great lady.
On behalf of myself and the Amazons I say a big “thank you” to all who support us and to the professionals who work so hard for us.
Bless you, Beryl Perrin
Helping hand where it's needed
Pictured during a Day Case session at The Hospice are members of the Amazons and Neil and Jane, two Therapeutic Activities Co-ordinators.
The Amazons donated £1,500 to the Therapeutic Activities Department at The John Eastwood Hospice. The team there provide everything for activities that are patient-based to promote dexterity, personal satisfaction, social interaction and pleasure and enable those attending the weekly sessions to take home their creations. The materials used need on-going replacement.
Getting fit for the road to recovery!
Post-operative breast cancer patients are just some of those who will benefit from the opportunity to take part in physiotherapy courses using new equipment in the Therapy Services Department at King’s Mill Hospital. The Amazons Charity donated £8,000 towards the cost of the equipment and can be seen here testing the new facilities!
Here are some of our regular fund-raisers
Easter and Christmas Fashion Shows at "Bonmarché", Sutton added £441 to the Charity funds. A huge "thank you" to everyone involved, particularly The Amazon Models!
Julie Marriott raised another £320 this year with the help of her friends and the management at the Cambria Hotel, Paignton - as well as helping at many other fund-raisers! "Thank you".
Party-givers Sharon and John Cooper generously hosted two evening events raising £687 for the benefit of the local breast cancer patients at King’s Mill. GREAT parties and GREAT people - "Thank you" to everyone who supported them!
An "Easter Eggs-travaganza" hosted by Jane and Paul Grafton at The Maypole Pub, Skegby, raised £80 for the Amazons. "Thank you" to them for organising another fund-raiser and also to its supporters!
Over the year Jenny Chambers and family members Tara, Melanie and Samantha raised an amazing £2,350 at The Victoria Club in Huthwaite. "Thank you" from the Amazons to them and everyone who gave them their support!
What we did and where we've been in 2017
We were on the "cat walk" at The Hosiery Mills Club, Sutton. It was the Amazon Fashion Show hosted by Cath of The Complete Clothing Company. The event included fashions from well-known high-street stores, a Raffle, free nibbles and a free raffle for an Easter Egg and pink balloons. The show raised £595 for the Charity. "Thank you" to the Club, the models and the generous supporters!
We were in NatWest Bank, Mansfield. It was a "coffee and cake" and awareness event with information sheets, Newsletters and conversation and raised £174 to benefit local patients at King’s Mill. A big "thank you" to everyone at NatWest Bank!
We were in "The King’s Street" in King’s Mill Hospital.It was a Christmas Tombola and Awareness event and our stall was, appropriately, near to the Breast Unit so there were plenty of conversations to be had and relevant information exchanged. Prizes were won and old friendships renewed.
We distributed Newsletters and information sheets and raised £212 to benefit the local breast cancer patients of the hospital. "Thank you" to the hospital staff, everyone who supported the event and Paula, the "pink balloon lady" from Lily's Cards, Sutton.
We were in the Amazon Lounge. It was the Christmas Fuddle and so it was an Amazon Open Meeting - with benefits! There was plenty of seasonal fare and extra "good cheer" and, as at all our Open Meetings, lots of chatter and humour. We always have one Breast Care Nurse there but, for Christmas, we got two!
We were in the Idlewells Precinct, Sutton with a Tombola and Awareness Stall. It was October, Breast Cancer Awareness month. We gave out prizes, raised awareness with our information boards and Newsletters, swapped stories and chatted and raised over £200 to benefit local patients at King's Mill. A big "Thank you" to Paula at "Lily's Cards" for all our pink balloons!
We were "at the races" at Skegby's Triple S Club.Terry Wiseman hosted the Race Night and generous supporters sponsored races, bought horses and "put their shirts" on the Tote at 50p a bet! There was a Raffle, a Lucky Dip, free food and 2 free raffles for wine, "bears" and pink balloons. The event raised a fantastic £1,120. "Thank you" to the Club and all the supporters of the event.
Liz Hunter
Liz Hunter was the co-founder of The Amazons Breast Cancer Support Group in 1995, when she was the Specialist Oncology Nurse in The Welcome Treatment Centre at King's Mill. She initiated the Open meetings to support patients and their carers during and after treatment and called the group "The Amazons" after the mythical female warriors who fought hard to win their battles. She was a wonderful lady, working tirelessly with the group for the last 23 years and she is very sadly missed.
Fund raising with love at the Valentine's dance
Jayne and David Harwood hosted a Valentine's Dance at the Grosvenor Rooms, Sutton. There was demonstration dancing by UK Open Amateur R.S. finalists Bettina Hatfield and Vadym Negrebet, sequence dancing, disco, buffet and a Raffle. It was a fabulous night's entertainment and the event raised £465 for the Amazons. "Thank you"!
NatWest, Sutton
"Thank you" to the Sutton Branch of Nationwide Building Society for their £300 donation from their Charitable Fund.
KARAOKE with MUCH MORE (and less!) at "The Peacock", Huthwaite
King’s Mill patient Grace Bell organised a night of entertainment at “The Peacock” pub which included Karaoke, a “blind auction”, a Wet T-shirt competition, a Raffle with exceptional prizes and service by topless waiters for only 50p extra for a round! The DJ gave his services free and the event was very well supported by local businesses and Vicky and everyone at “The Peacock”. Grace donated £742 to the Amazons! "Thank you".
The Knitting Nannas follow their fund-raising pattern!
The "Knitting Nannas" have been fund-raising for the Amazons again, producing and selling hundreds of Easter Bunnies and Chicks containing eggs (chocolate - not knitted)! They donated £1,980 for the benefit of local patients. "Thank you Nannas"!
The Major Oak Pop Choir hit all the right notes!
Pauline Dalglish and her Major Oak Pop Choir gave everyone at Huthwaite Methodist Church "a night to remember"! They gave amazing renditions of popular songs by ABBA, Andy Williams, Elbow, The Mammas and the Pappas and including the writing of Lennon and McCartney, Elton John and many more. Members of the Church served refreshments and there was a Raffle and £864 was donated for local patients' benefit. "Thank you"! - when will we see you again?
Thank You
"Thank you" to the fund-raisers who have supported The Amazon Breast Support Charity and to the people who have made personal, group and family donations to help local breast cancer patients at King's Mill Hospital during 2017 (some of whom have used "Just Giving"). Also an especially big "thank you" to our wonderful Professional Breast Care Team at King’s Mill.

You can donate to us via the Just Giving website by clicking on their logo above