News 2020
Thank you from the Chair
It’s been another successful year for the Amazons and I am very proud of our hard-working Committee Members and supporters who have made it possible to donate £10,000 to the SFHT Gamma Scanner Appeal
and buy equipment costing £13,500, making the total expenditure £23,500 since our last Newsletter. 2020 will see an even bigger “spend” as the long awaited Tomosynthesis equipment is soon to be
installed. This “state of the art” technology will have a big impact on breast cancer screening and diagnosis. During the year we have continued to raise breast cancer awareness and to fund-raise.
A wonderful surprise at our “Hunters Race Night” event was when Claire Hunter presented us with a plaque dedicated to her mother, Liz Hunter, a founder member of the Amazons.
It now has pride of place in the Amazon Lounge. We have continued to interact with other groups and attend events including, at the invitation of
Consultant Breast Surgeon Mr. Ali Jahan, the “Getting It Right First Time” event held at King’s Mill. This review was led by Fiona MacNeil of the Royal Marsden Hospital and
facilitated by Tracey Irvine of the Royal Surrey County Hospital.
It followed the collection of national data, to which King’s Mill had contributed and was an opportunity for
interactive discussions between Tracey Irvine and Mr. Jahan as the presentation was viewed. Mr. Jahan ably helped us to see the presented national information in relation to King’s
Mill. How lucky we are to have this conscientious, inspiring and dedicated doctor and his Team.
I would like to thank again all our supporters whose efforts benefit breast cancer patients at King’s Mill and to thank the Doctors, Breast Care Nurses, Receptionists, Administrative Staff,
Radiologists, Radiographers and Oncologists (The Team).
A BIG "THANK YOU". Bless you, Beryl Perrin
Pictured are Specialist Breast Surgeons Ghassan Elamin and Wisam Ismail showing 2 new headlamps for theatre work and innovative software which, used with i pad technology enables
surgeons and breast cancer patients together to visualise the outcomes of reconstructive surgery. The funding from the Amazons for these, a drugs fridge, a cauterising machine
and other sundries was £13,500. The Amazons thank their supporters. Supporters!
Pictured, in Nov. 2019 with the Amazons are (left) King’s Mill’s Consultant Radiologist Sue Creary and (right) Superintendent Radiographer Rod Bradley at the Amazons’
£10,000 presentation to King’s Mill’s Gamma Scanner Appeal, taking it to £450,000. (New nuclear technology imaging, including CT options available here soon!).
Amazon supporters can know they made a difference.
RAISING AWARENESS & PROMOTING CONVERSATIONS - we can always find time to talk!
Brierley Park Medical Centre, Huthwaite invited us to their Breast Cancer Awareness Event
There were talks from members of the Centre and King’s Mill’s Breast Care Specialist Nurses and Radiography Team. We were glad to be there to represent the Hospital’s Breast Cancer Support Group.
King’s Mill for Awareness & tombola events in May & Dec. Met lots of friends, chatted, gave away Newsletters & raised £437. Thank you!
Self Help Groups Cancer Event held at Ramsdale Golf Club included presentations by representatives of Macmillan and the Cancer Network Launch. A good opportunity for conversations.
Stanton Hill Co op welcomed the Amazons into the store twice in 2019. We chatted and gave away newsletters & earned £287! Thank you supporters.
AMAZONS’ ANNUAL TRADITIONS – fund-raisers & celebrations
Hosted by Kath of The Complete Clothing Company, supported by volunteer models and happy spenders, with free nibbles and a raffle the enjoyable evening raised £1,013.
Thank you to everyone involved and to the management and staff of the Hosiery Mills Social Club.
Amazons with Tombola stall in Sutton’s Idlewells Precinct, raising awareness, having conversations, giving away Newsletters and boosting funds by £204.99p.“Thank you”
to supporters of the event and to the Idlewells’ management and staff.
A night for excited punters to enjoy Terry Wiseman’s racing event with raffle, auction, £1 Lucky Dip prizes, free table nibbles and a bar. £1,690 was raised! Thank
you very much to everyone who supported & to Terry and grandson Farley and the management and staff of The Triple S Social Club.
Plenty of festivities, food and friendship in the Amazon Lounge and generous donations of £1,400 from the Lotus Therapy Centre and £200 from old friends.
Thank you everyone for making it so enjoyable.
OUR SUPPORTING CAST OF “STARS”- people who fund-raise for us
STANTON HILL CO OP MEMBERS raised £3,494 for new soft furnishings in the Amazon Lounge. Thank you!
JENNY CHAMBERS WITH FAMILY & FRIENDS fund-raising at Huthwaite’s Victoria Club donated £1,450. They held raffles, jumble sales and a children’s
Christmas Party and were supported by the club’s landlord and landlady Gary & Denise Waring and many others. Many thanks from the Amazons to everyone.
FRIENDS & THE PROPRIETORS OF THE CAMBRIA HOTEL, PAIGNTON donated £250 to the Amazons. Thank you!
MARLENE AND JIM LEWIS hosted two fund-raising events at home with friends and donated £516 to the Amazons. Thank you!
SHARON & JOHN COOPER have, with the help of their family & friends raised £1,973 for the Amazons in 2019! Thank you, you are amazing.
DOORSTOP INTERNATIONAL, HUTHWAITE, organised a FUN DAY and donated £1,143 to the Amazons. Thank you for your support!
THE KNIT AND NATTER GROUP, seen here at the presentation, donated £450 to the Amazons. Thank you for all your efforts.
JOY WOOLEY, FAMILY & FRIENDS donated £800 raised at her birthday “Bash”. Thank you so much.
MEMBERS OF MANSFIELD FIREFIGHTERS & FIRE PROTECTION TEAM sold their calendars and presented the Amazons with £5,000! Thank you so much, ladies and gentlemen.
THE KNITTING NANNAS gave £2,000 to the Amazons at this presentation. Again, a big “thank you”!

You can donate to us via the Just Giving website by clicking on their logo above