The Amazon Breast Support Group

Working for Breast Cancer Patients at King’s Mill Hospital

News 2015
January 2015
Beryl Perrin

Hi Everyone, “Happy New Year and WELCOME” to our 2015 edition of The Amazon Newsletter. As a group we have had another busy year supporting patients, fund-raising, net-working and raising awareness with other groups, agencies and the general public. In November we attended an event organised by the Greater Nottingham Cancer Forum where I was able to talk to other cancer and support groups about the Amazons and share ideas as well as listening to presentations by two well-known

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speakers on current commissioning initiatives taking place across the Notts. Health Community. Pictured right at the event, are, from the left, Sarah Cadwallader, Kirstie Mallalieu, and myself talking to Nettie Johnson (Carer Federation).

We have also attended events instigated by Ashfield Voluntary Action, Mid Notts. Cancer Carer Forum and, of course, participated in our own “breast awareness” events.

I would like to thank all our fund-raising supporters, some of whom are not specifically named in the Newsletter, for their magnificent efforts and generosity. I want to make a special mention of Simon Bingham of Caunton Engineering for again “pushing the barriers”, (and pedals!) for the Amazons. We are so grateful on behalf of breast cancer patients at King’s Mill. May I make an appeal to anyone who is interested in fund-raising for the Amazons to please become involved as it is only by your generous efforts that we can provide help at a local level with patients’ treatment and care pathways.

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I would like to welcome Yvonne Lisseman-Stones, new Specialist Breast Care Nurse (pictured right), onto the Amazon Committee. I know she will be a great asset to our group. We have 3 Specialist Nurses supporting and working with us. They attend Committee Meetings and one always attends our monthly Open Meetings - all in their own time. The Nurses’ and Mr. Jahan’s expertise and guidance on patient needs is invaluable to the Charity’s effectiveness. Sometimes our purchases are large, sometimes small but we try to have funds ready to meet any need.

To make contact with the Amazon Breast Cancer Support Group Telephone 01623 622515 ext. 3884 and speak to Nurse Specialists Gill Clark, Ailsa Rodgers and and Yvonne Lisseman-Stones. Open Meetings are the second Tuesday of each month, except August, 7.30pm to 9.00pm in the Amazon Lounge Women and Children’s Centre, King’s Mill. Just turn up, with a partner or friend if you wish.

A VERY BIG THANK YOU to all our supporters, past, present and future and to our brilliant team of professionals at the King’s Mill Breast Care Unit.

Bless you all, Beryl Perrin (Chairperson).

January 2015
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Pictured, in the Breast Screening Ultra Sound Department, are, left to right, Amazons Keith, Janet, Ann and Geoff, Samantha Knighton, the Senior Radiographer and Amazon Chairperson Beryl.

King’s Mill’s Welcome Treatment Centre and their Breast Screening Ultra Sound Department have taken delivery of new equipment donated by the Amazon Breast Cancer Support Group, purchased with locally-raised funds for the benefit of local patients.

The Welcome Treatment Centre, which provides oncology services for cancer out-patients, requested ten drip stands and ten assorted work trolleys which the Amazon Charity were able to fund for £5,435. This money, raised by local people, will now benefit everyone using the Treatment Centre, not breast cancer patients alone. The Ultra Sound Department in the Breast Screening Unit took delivery of another work trolley at a cost of £334 and the Specialist Breast Care Nurses received a book to enhance their services at a cost of £117. A big Thank-you” to all the local fund-raisers and their supporters who made these purchases possible and to the wonderful staff in both departments.

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Pictured left, in The Welcome Treatment Centre are, from left to right, Amazons Keith and Beryl, Welcome Treatment Centre Nurse Laura Berry and Lead Nurse Suzanne Corney and Amazons Ann, Janet, Angie and the Charity’s secretary Geoff who has the job of ordering it all!
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… in the Amazon Lounge for an Open Support Group Meeting, held every second Tuesday in the month. (We don’t always eat so well - this is the Christmas Fuddle!)
News Jan 2015 the King’s Street, King’s Mill, with Information boards, a tombola stall and time to chat. Supporters raised £121 for the Charity on the tombola - the CHAT was free!
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… in the King’s Street, King’s Mill, during “Volunteers’ Week”, giving away Amazon Newsletters and sharing information. Beryl is pictured with Sharon Thorpe-Roberts, a MacMillan Cancer Support Information and Support Nurse at King’s Mill.
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… in the Idlewells Precinct, Sutton, with Boards, Newsletters and a tombola stall, talking to people as they shop. The tombola raised £157 for the Charity so it was lucky for everyone!.
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at the MacMillan “Betty’s Bus”, Mansfield Market Place, delivering Amazon Newsletters to Jez Burman of MacMillan Cancer SupportMobile Services, for interested readers visiting the bus.
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… at the Festival Hall, Kirkby, for the “Ashfield Voluntary Action Day”, sharing ideas with other groups and spreading the “Amazon word” with Boards and Newsletters.
January 2015
HERE COME THE FUND-RAISERS - we can’t thank them enough!
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On behalf of Lynn Bailey’s family, Steve Bailey presented the Amazons with a donation of £2,365. He is pictured here, left to right, with Amazon Sandra, Specialist Breast Care Nurse Ailsa Rodgers, Amazon Chairperson Beryl, his daughter Sarah and granddaughter Macie and Julie Marriott, who also donated £250, one of her regular donations from fund-raising at Huthwaite. A BIG THANK-YOU!
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Here is Amazon Wendy Brocklehurst, her car laden with “goodies” collected from many local retailers, on her way to set up raffle prizes at “The Rufford” pub. Her Weight Watcher Organiser, Wray Annable, held a sponsored “dry month” and supported by her 9 Weight-Watcher classes, raised a fantastic £1,213! Thank-you to Wray, Wendy and all the supporters.
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Jen Lynn, is pictured left, middle front, with the Amazons. She held a “Wakey Wakey” party at South Wingfield Welfare. Friends and relatives came from Australia, Ireland - everywhere!- to support her fund-raising. There was a Johnny Cash tribute band, bouncy castle, face painting etc... and Jen raised £2,350 for the Amazons! THEN… her colleagues at Transvac held a “wear it pink” day, with cakes and raffle, raising £117 which her bosses rounded-up to £155! “A Big Thank-You” for everyone’s support for Jen and us.
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Pictured left are students in a Year Group at Kirkby College (NOT in uniform!). They generously picked the Amazons as their “Chosen Charity” for a “Fun Run” fund-raising event and, with the help of their sponsors, donated a fantastic £719 to the Amazons, to use for the benefit of breast cancer patients at King’s Mill Hospital. A VERY BIG THANK-YOU to the students and Staff involved at Kirkby College!
January 2015
THE AMAZING MR. BINGHAM ! - the cycling Cyclone!
News Jan 2015
News Jan 2015

Simon Bingham (pictured seated second left) put himself in the top 1% of charity fund-raisers on the “Just Giving” web-site when he completed “The Raid Pyrenean” cycle ride for the Amazons Charity! He has previously completed a sponsored New York marathon and cycled part of the Tour de France route to raise funds to help breast cancer patients at King’s Mill, but this time he cycled across France, hugging the border with Spain, over the Pyrenees, from the Atlantic coast to the Mediterranean coast. It was a 720km ride, ascending 11,000 vertical metres and had to be completed in 100 hours! A comparison would be, in the 4 days allowed, to cycle up Ben Nevis over 8 times and on some days this would mean up Ben Nevis TWICE. He was burning up to 800 calories an hour and taking-on food and water was a problem, along with the adverse weather conditions. He was given a medal (pictured left), but the Amazons think it should have been at least as big as a dustbin lid. He donated £7,421 to the Charity and told us all about it at an Amazon Open Meeting, where he is pictured sitting next to his Dad, with his Mum third left at the back. He stood up mostly, to talk - we weren’t surprised!

January 2015
Julie and Huthwaite Friends Just Keep On Giving!
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Picture 1

Throughout 2014 Julie Marriott has continued her weekly Friday evening Bingo-with-raffle sessions at the Huthwaite Leisure Centre and, plus her other activities, she has raised over £2,000 this year for the benefit of local breast cancer patients at King’s Mill! Picture 1 shows Jan, Laura, Julie, Beryl and Shelley in the rain at “Julie’s Birthday Bash” at Huthwaite Market Social Club. That “rainy day” poured £600 into Amazon funds! Picture 2 shows Yvonne (Specialist Breast Care Meeting. Julie continued her fund-raising on her holidays and picture 3 shows The Cambria Hotel, Paignton, from where the proceeds of Julie’s raffles, “swear-box” and generous donations from the hotel’s proprietors, swelled the Charity’s funds. Picture 4 shows Hilda Ward, Bradley Mc Knight and Julie at Huthwaite Leisure Centre’s Christmas Fayre where Julie had a tombola stall fund-raiser. At the same venue, Julie held her Bingo Christmas Party.Picture 5, shows Angie, John, Beryl (with cheque and Xmas jumper!), Julie, Hilda and Joyce.

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The Amazons say a big “thank-you” to Julie and everyone who has helped her with this wonderful fund-raising!

January 2015
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King’s Mill’s Specialist Breast Care Nurse Ailsa Rodgers completed a Sponsored 10K Fun Run at Blackpool for The Amazons and inspired some friends to make their own contributions to her fund-raising. Ailsa donated £920 to the Charity and is pictured seated, 4th left, presenting the cheque at an Amazon Open Meeting. “Thank-you” Ailsa and Friends!

January 2015
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Pictured here at Sutton’s Hosiery Mills Social Club, at the Amazon’s Fashion Show (organised by Liz Hunter and aided by Sandra Ballard ) are, from the left, Cath (Complete Clothing Company) and volunteer models Denise, Carolyn, Carolynn, Scarlet, Melanie, Sandra and Donna. Our “retail therapy” supporters became fashion icons for bargain prices and raised £519!

January 2015
. . and ROCK’n’ROLL
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Pictured here, at Edwinstowe’s South Forest Leisure Complex, are the duo “Spirit” who performed brilliant 50’s and 60’s music free of charge, raising over £1,000 for the benefit of breast cancer patients at King’s Mill. The event was organised by Amazons Janet and Geoff Stafford. In the 60’s the duo, Steve Smith and Bob Lee, appearing as “The Cheaters”, had backed groups including Gerry & The Pacemakers, The Ivy League and The Batchelors

January 2015

"Thank you” to the fund-raisers who have supported The Amazon Breast Support Charity and to the people who have made personal, group and family donations to help local breast cancer patients at King’s Mill Hospital. Also an especially big “thank you” to our >wonderful Professional Breast Care Team at King’s Mill.

You can donate to us via the Just Giving website by clicking on their logo above