Who would have thought that from such small beginnings the Amazon Support Group is still in existence 20 years on still working to support local breast cancer patients. I’m proud to have been part of it all. I can only be thankful for the small, loyal dedicated and hard-working group of people, some of whom are founder members.
Looking back we have donated over £160,000 worth of equipment to the Breast Care Unit and Welcome Treatment Centre. QUITE SOMETHING! We have, over the years, built up a reputation and consequently folks have fund-raised on our behalf. Local businesses such as Caunton Engineering, our stalwart sponsor from the outset, and, more recently, Transvac, Bon Marche and others have added their support, but it’s individual people like you who read our Newsletter that make it possible for the Amazons to support local breast cancer patients at King’s Mill. For all your donations and fund-raising efforts I thank you.
There have been changes within the group over the years and I welcome our new Specialist Breast Care Nurse Kersten Hardy and Amazon, Lesley Naylor, onto our committee.
Not only do we offer support to patients, we interact with other groups. Three of our committee are members of the Mid-Trent Cancer Carer Forum and attend their monthly meetings which gives us a link with MacMillan. This year we attended the Breast Care Unit’s Multi-Disciplinary Team’s Presentation Day. Pictured below is Senior Radiographer Pamela Lanckham showing us around the Unit’s Ultra-sound area and explaining its role. Other professionals gave informative presentations and the Amazons were able to explain their role in the patients’ care pathway.
Our Amazon “Open” meetings are popular, social occasions. We are fortunate in having a Breast Care Nurse in attendance, who is always available to talk to anyone who may have a concern. Bless them. They work all day and give up their free time to be in the Amazon Lounge with us for our “Open” monthly meetings. They are also members of the Committee and so are committed to attending those regular meetings too. How’s that for dedication!
We are lucky in Ashfield and Mansfield to have such a successful, hard-working and caring Breast Care Service in our local hospital and I extend my thanks to all involved in this service, and long may it continue. I also extend my thanks to all involved in and with the Amazons for making it a success.
CONGRATULATIONS! Here’s to celebrating the next 20years!
Bless you all, Beryl Perrin (Amazon Chairperson).